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Create Harmony within you and your Relationships 

Do you ever feel a discord between the masculine and feminine roles in your relationships?

You feel you have to take over the role of the other or can’t live in ease?

Is your desire to heal your own wounds with these two energies?

Whether you are in a partnership or not, this workshop can be a great source of healing for everyone! Balancing and healing our own masculine and feminine energy is the key to harmony within us and every relationship we are in.

What will happen

🌟masculine and feminine energies activation

🌟let go of old patterns

🌟one group constellation to heal ancestral trauma

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of Family Constellation and witness harmony returning to your life. 🌈✨

📌 Sign up now to bring balance into your relationship! 💖🔑“

📅 06th May 2024

🏡Location: La Casa del Corpo, Lagos


20€ with prepayment

25€ at the door

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